Dark side of people management conference
9 February 2024
🌐 Reflecting on two inspiring days at the 'Dark Side of People Management' conference we hosted in Utrecht! 🎉
💡 The discussions were inspiring, offering new insights into the unintended effects of well-intended people management on performance and well-being. From compelling presentations to thought-provoking discussions, the days were filled with intellectual stimulation
👏 A special shout-out to Roos Mulder and Sandra de Kruijf for their great presentations on their respective PhD projects! 🌟
🙏 Honored to have our esteemed advisory board consisting of (international) academic colleagues and public sector professionals join us. Their presence added great value, and their constructive feedback will undoubtedly strengthen our ongoing project! (David Giauque, Julian Gould-Williams, Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen, Peter Leisink, Liesbeth van Rensen, Joop Schippers, Jessica Sowa, Bas de Wit)
🚀 As we look back, we're excited about the journey ahead. The connections made, the knowledge shared, and the collaborative spirit witnessed at the conference set the stage for impactful years to come!
People management in education
17 November 2023
Yesterday, I had an incredible time at the third People Management in Education seminar! 🎓🌟
It was exciting to connect with colleagues from diverse disciplines and dive deep into the important topic of people (teachers, school leaders) in education 🏫
A special shoutout to my colleagues 🙌👏
👉 Sandra de Kruijf for presenting the outline of her PhD research on the dark side of people management in education
👉 Julia Penning de Vries for her presentation of the co-authored paper with Peter Leisink, Roos Mulder, and myself on the drivers of line of sight in secondary schools
Huge thanks to the organizers for putting together such a great event! Monika Louws, Angela de Jong, Ellen Daniëls 🙏
I look forward to the next edition in 2024! ✨
Presentatie VO-congres
2 oktober 2023
❗ Op het VO-congres van vorige week heb ik samen met mijn collega’s Peter Leisink, Julia Penning de Vries en Roos Mulder een workshop verzorgd naar aanleiding van ons onderzoeksrapport ‘Strategisch personeelsbeleid in het VO’.
🔎 Dit monitoringsonderzoek (in opdracht van VO-raad en het Ministerie van OCW) over de afspraak in het geactualiseerde Sectorakkoord Voortgezet Onderwijs over de versterking van strategisch personeelsbeleid in de sector is het derde op rij (2018, 2020, 2023).
We hebben wederom de percepties van besturen, eindverantwoordelijk schoolleiders, middenmanagers én leraren in kaart gebracht. Dat maakt het mogelijk om uitspraken over ontwikkelingen over tijd te doen en om de doorwerking binnen scholen inzichtelijk te maken.
💡 De belangrijkste bevindingen?
👉 Het niveau van strategisch personeelsbeleid in het voortgezet onderwijs is ruim voldoende tot goed
👉 De doorontwikkeling en doorwerking van het beleid in de scholen stagneren echter
👉 Blijvende inzet van bestuurders en schoolleiders om het strategisch personeelsbeleid daadwerkelijk in de school te laten landen is noodzakelijk
Het rapport is hier te vinden.
EGPA conference Zagreb
11 September 2023
Last week, I had the privilege of participating in the EGPA conference in Zagreb. It was an inspiring event filled with knowledge-sharing and networking in a great environment 🌞
I want to give a huge shoutout to my USG colleagues who delivered three outstanding presentations in the Study Group on Public Personnel Policies 👏🎤
👉 Roos Mulder and Sandra de Kruijf presented the research design of their systematic literature review on the dark side of people management. For first-time presenters, their performance was amazing ✨
👉 Renée Vermeulen presented the final empirical study of her dissertation on people management and professionalism. As always, she managed to make her research personal, making it a presentation to remember 👭
👉 Julia Penning de Vries presented a paper from her dissertation (2021) about the impact of horizontal and vertical shared perceptions. She did a great job in presenting really difficult statistics 📈 📉
Special thanks to my co-organizers Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen, Emily Rose Tangsgaard, and Carina Schott for their dedication in making this conference a success 🙏
See you next year in Athens 🌞
#ConferenceRecap #HRM #EGPA